Engaged Learning

为了让我们的学生为他们在世界上的位置做好准备,并在他们的事业和生活中取得成功, 我们必须超越国界,将现实世界的问题带入课堂,让我们的学生走向世界,进行实践学习. 学生需要把他们在课堂上学习的概念转化为实际的知识. They need to grow more adept through practice, have the space to question, experiment and sometimes fail, and learn and grow from those missteps. Taken together, these experiential learning opportunities improve critical thinking, build well-rounded hard and soft skills, and result in a richer and more meaningful transcript and résumé. Today’s students yearn to make a difference with their knowledge and actions, 他们希望现在就做,而不是在完成学业多年后. RWU学生获得高影响力的经验,使他们在第一天就为工作做好准备, able to work and live as fully engaged citizens.

RWU将为我们的学生提供最好的教育体验:通过课堂学习获得知识, 然后运用他们的新技能,通过研究在校内外学习, project-based work, clinical practice, apprenticeships and internships, and creative endeavors that connect with our communities and our environment. They will acquire the intellectual habits, practices and passion they will need in order to be lifelong learners, 准备好并能够追求他们将面临的任何新的个人和职业挑战, embracing the spirit of continually acquiring new skills and expertise.

RWU致力于通过与我们广阔的工业网络的独特合作,缩小学术界和工业界之间日益扩大的差距, nonprofit and governmental advisors and partners. 与外部合作伙伴合作为RWU校友提供了一个极好的机会,使他们成为积极参与的公民,并在他们的工作和生活中茁壮成长. And in this way, 我们正在RWU和我们周围的世界之间建立持久和引人入胜的关系.

When we extend our expertise beyond our campus borders, we strengthen the local, national and global communities around us, 同时,这项工作也有助于丰富我们为学生提供的教育经验. 我们设想一个未来,RWU以创建有弹性的社区而闻名,可以从中断中恢复过来, innovate to meet new needs and thrive. 优先考虑积极的奖学金为我们的社区和组织合作伙伴提供了严格和相关的见解和研究, 以及确保其系统和服务对象长期可持续和公平做法的工具. 在我们的社会和地球上做出有意义的改变是我们参与教学的本质, learning and scholarship.

Select Initiatives

  • Implement new engaged learning graduation requirement across all majors/programs  
  • Expand organization partner networks, including opportunities that align with our new interdisciplinary initiatives
  • 深化我们在网赌的十大网站的技术行业和学徒课程 
  • Integrate academic and career advising to create fully scaffolded, co-curricular learning experiences for students from day one  
  • 开发有意义的终身学习机会,并将学术内容注入2022年夏季开始的团聚周末 
  • 在科学领域试点新的一年级本科生研究经验(FYRE),着眼于2022年秋季新生的更全面扩展 

Embedded Equity

我们通过在当地社区的实际需求和问题上工作,挑战学生将他们的知识和技能付诸实践, including research, policy work and advocacy that advances equity among our community members.

We must honor, support and acknowledge the communities with which we collaborate. In order to do so, 我们通过社会公正的视角进行参与式学习,以确保我们真正与社区和组织合作伙伴合作,尊重和重视他们的声音和想法. 这意味着让我们的学生做好准备,以道德和尊重的态度从事这类工作, so that they make a meaningful impact within our communities.

Measuring Our Progress

参与式学习将通过学生参与我们设计的机会的程度来衡量. 我们还将通过参与全国学生参与调查和测量来改进对参与式学习的评估 high-impact practices in the undergraduate experience. NSSE将通过六个关键实践来衡量我们的学生体验:服务学习, Learning Communities, Research with Faculty, Internship & Field Experience, Study Abroad and Culminating Senior Experiences.  

In addition, 我们将跟踪和评估学生追求的参与学习机会的范围,以满足RWU的服务学习毕业要求. These include community engaged and experiential learning courses; public service internships; engaged research projects; and intensive volunteer experiences. 对这些参与式学习经历的持续评估将使我们更好地了解它们如何促进学业成功, career development and choice, and lifelong learning and civic engagement.